Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform Development Steps & Features

A hybrid crypto exchange platform takes the benefits of both CEX and DEX. It offers a combination of fast transaction speed and liquidity of a centralized platform with a DEX solution’s privacy and security assurance. Centralized crypto exchange (CEX) is an admin-controlled platform where users can trade a wide variety of digital currencies in a risk-free manner.

  • For fiat currencies, it means the possibility to block particular people, banks, or countries from participating in the transactions.
  • Since all participants share a single source of truth, they can view all
    transaction details at any time to work with more confidence and get new
    benefits while trading.
  • However, crypto exchanges use blockchain technology and are exclusive to crypto traders.
  • However, every admin console must offer options to add new currencies, edit trading fees, manage cryptocurrency listings and credit/debit funds and address support-related issues.

Liquidity is one of the most important aspects of any exchange, including cryptocurrency exchange, which indicates the “sellability” of an asset. Simply put, liquidity reflects changes in the market price that are caused by the fulfillment of an exchange order to buy or sell a certain size. In a perfectly liquid market, it would be possible to sell any amount of an asset at the same price without affecting it. A microservice architecture is a method of organizing a crypto exchange creation based on several independently deployable services. These services have their own logic and database with a specific purpose. Updating, testing, deployment, and scaling are done within each service.

We build all types of cryptocurrency exchanges

The market has a few white label options like OpenDAX cryptocurrency exchange software or Alphapoint, but as you’d expect, they come with their own pros and cons. In fact, crypto exchanges are the front runners of the decentralized finance revolution, bringing in more users than any other blockchain apps. That’s because exchanges usually include a crypto wallet for buying crypto with a fiat currency. Even with the pole position in place, CZ saw the Binance exchange as step one of a bigger crypto ecosystem that provides services and solutions to as many crypto-related needs as possible. On average, the minimum time required to develop an MVP of a crypto trading app will be around six months and more, depending on the mobile app requirements. Apart from the development stages, some major factors also affect the crypto trading app development cost, including the app size, complexity, type of app, developer’s location, and more.

How long to build a crypto exchange

Here we list the 10 essential steps to start a flourishing crypto exchange business. It means that our solutions come from our years of experience in the financial technology industry. Our products and services are provided by developers and engineers who have first-hand trading experience. Modulus provides turnkey custom cryptocurrency exchanges, charging a one-time license fee without royalties or commission structures.

What are the best features for running a successful crypto exchange?

Our unique
approach to creating a native coin/token for your exchange platform can make it popular and
tradeable across all platforms. If necessary and depending on the size of the exchange — you can even delegate roles to other users with limited authority. Imaginovation is an award-winning web and mobile app development company with vast experience crafting remarkable digital success stories for diverse companies.

should ensure your platform’s safety and transparency to make your users
confident that no data and funds can be lost. Before dealing with full-fledged design, it’s worth building basic
wireframes and a visual prototype of the future exchange platform. This move
will allow you to assess UX solutions and address potential issues. A
prototype tested on real users will show how efficient user-system
interactions are and how well the implemented features perform their

Setting the operational scope of your crypto exchange is another essential step. This is where you can add detailed functional specifications for your app. Begin by identifying your customers‘ pain points and how your crypto exchange plans to solve them. Hybrid is a new generation of the crypto exchange domain and is still under development. Exchange platforms also show the current market price of the cryptocurrencies they have. Users can convert cryptocurrencies back into the currency of their choice.


These exchanges are powered by cutting-edge technology and employ sophisticated algorithms to facilitate seamless transactions and provide a user-friendly trading experience. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, crypto exchanges have revolutionized the way people interact with digital currencies. Coinsclone is a well-established crypto exchange software development company in the crypto space. Being a leading crypto exchange development firm, we excel in providing all sorts of crypto exchange development services. Such as white-label crypto exchange, decentralized exchange script, and more. We have seasoned blockchain coders who have a lot of experience in developing and delivering exchange products.

This step ensures that your solution won’t go offline because that’s not an option for such businesses. You get the rest of the benefits like scalability, infinite customization, and unique features, among others, with a custom-built exchange. Besides, there’s no better and safer way to brag about mad gains than an anonymous platform on a crypto exchange. Users would love to compete in different leagues to win bonuses and perks. For example, there can be a hall for top all-time high callers who get the exchange token for making accurate price predictions. Users will spend most of their time in your app looking up crypto prices, trends, exchange rates, and other charts that are usually included in the main dashboard.

CEX platforms make it convenient to link your bank account or debit card to buy or sell digital assets. In addition, since they are controlled and operated How to create a cryptocurrency exchange centrally, they offer reliability. Moreover, a rise in the number of digital coins in the past decade has made sure crypto has become mainstream.

The platform must be able to handle high transaction volumes without crashing or slowing down, which requires regular performance testing and capacity planning. Keeping up with the latest advancements in crypto technology is also essential to stay competitive. That’s a very high-level overview of the crypto exchange development process, and you should expect deviations depending on your product requirements. Leading crypto exchanges like CoinBase and offer their customers credit cards to pay for their everyday expenses with a digital currency of their choice.

How long to build a crypto exchange

You can also consult the professionals of the cryptocurrency development company to get a detailed insight into the development scenario. Developing a profit-driven crypto trading app isn’t as difficult as it seems. You need detailed documentation and a clearly defined roadmap to ensure smooth crypto trading app development. So, let’s explore the step-by-step development process that can be a perfect roadmap for you. Users can easily create their trading account and access it from any device using different operating systems.

However, such features may come in handy for attracting
experienced traders. Each of these components is a crucial part of creating your own crypto exchange. And each of them
matters both separately and in interaction with the others. So the way you
define the connections between those layers affects data processing speed,
page loading, the maximum possible number of orders, and the platform’s
capacity. Simply put, a cryptocurrency exchange is an online platform that allows
buying, selling, and exchanging crypto and fiat currencies.

As the majority of the data is stored on the web, cloud servers and blockchain servers are being used to offer improved security and scalability. Mobile apps like Coinbase and others are designed and developed by keeping the users’ convenience in mind. Such crypto trading apps are very easy to navigate and let the users easily know the prices and charts without waiting for long. The application also offers users all the essential information they require and simplifies communication. The payments made using cryptocurrencies aren’t physical coins and can be easily transported and exchanged.

Take every possible measure against risk by pairing these security features with a reliable third-party custodial integration like Fire Blocks, BitGo, or Anchorage Digital. You can’t have a functioning exchange without a way for people to deposit and withdraw fiat currency (dollars, euros, pesos, etc.). Identifying the necessary partners and establishing an on/off ramp with a bank and payment processor is critical. Don’t forget to have clear instructions for clients regarding their deposits and withdrawals of fiat currency. There are many variants and no universal stack that will work for every project in this industry.

Traders can decide their trading
strategy and pick the right trading mode. Being an entrepreneur if you wish to gain
more attention and guaranteed ROI, prefer kick starting crypto exchanges with Hybrid
mode. Talk to our industry experts to know more about the benefits of kick starting
a hybrid crypto exchange. Developers are now focused on putting user interface design into practice.