Associate Partner, Telecom Cognitive Process Services CPS IBM United Kingdom WIZBII

Applied Artificial Intelligence

cognitive process automation

However, with the integration of RPA, chatbots can effectively navigate through legacy enterprise systems that do not have modern APIs. Payroll processing is a time-consuming and data-intensive task that businesses must carry out every month. If not done correctly, organizations may have to deal with delays in payment and employee dissatisfaction. Processing claims is a labor-intensive task that insurance company employees face every day, but it can be optimized using cognitive automation tools. Cognitive RPA systems with predictive analysis capabilities can perform many statistical analyses, such as predictive modeling, ML, and data mining. Combined cognitive RPA and predictive analysis would allow financial institutions to automate anomaly and fraud detection.

According to McKinsey, several companies have managed to automate percent of tasks with the help of IPA, in turn reducing the through-put time by 50 – 60 percent and yielding an ROI in triple-digit percentages. Moreover, the purchase orders (POs) and invoices cognitive process automation were exchanged via email, and the customer, supplier, and material numbers had to be cross-referenced with internal numbers in Coca-Cola’s SAP. Cognitive RPA can help set up automated workflows to process invoices and vendor payments automatically.

Day Azure Synapse Analytics and Purview Workshop

RPA is rule-based algorithms which can be used to capture, process and interpret streams of data, trigger appropriate responses and communicate with other processes. One of the biggest advantages of deploying RPA is instant results and quicker ROI compared to other transformation initiatives. The other important thing to remember is that RPA does not require replacing existing systems, instead it adds automation to existing systems to mimic human behaviour. Consider adding OCR (optical character recognition) and other IA/AI technologies to the mix if the data is unstructured or in a format that is not readable, such as images. Robots are cheaper, faster, available 24/7 and can improve productivity and data quality, resulting in lower operational costs and hence better value for communities. Most organisations report 20-30% cost reduction and 30-50% Return On Investment (ROI) on RPA projects.

cognitive process automation

But the efficiency and ROI of these technologies will be much more if they are coupled together and are made to work with each other. As a Microsoft Gold Partner, we help clients implement the robotic process automation (RPA) capability in Power Automate to connect old and new systems and reduce repetitive tasks using UI-based automation with desktop flows. To interact with users, complete tasks on their behalf, and answer their queries, chatbots must access information from different enterprise systems, including LoB, CRM, business intelligence, HR, and many more. Integration of RPA helps chatbots effectively navigate legacy enterprise systems that do not have modern APIs, leverage enterprise information, and handle complex, real-time customer/employee requests more effectively. RPAs are a valuable important first step into automation for many of our clients.

Our RPA software makes businesses simpler and more efficient

Software robots and AI  are now able to demonstrate these human cognitive abilities; this creates an opportunity to automate tasks that were impossible to automate using more traditional technologies. The insurance sector soon discovered how this technology could be used for processing insurance premiums. Typically, when brokers sell an insurance policy, they send notices using a variety of inputs, such as email, fax, spreadsheets and other means, to an intake organization. For chatbots to hold conversations, share information, complete tasks and capture requests, they need to be integrated with different enterprise systems. Chatbots can access the required information independently only if these systems have modern APIs . And in the absence of an API, the chatbot fails to integrate and retrieve information from these systems.

cognitive process automation

Now, make sure your back-office IT and cloud partners are ready to scale up and evolve with you. “Information capture has advanced a long way since the advent of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Digital Repositories (EDMS Electronic Document Management Systems). Modern business applications require pre-validated and structured data as input so it is readily available for use in decision making and driving business processes…. They  work 24 x 7 x 365, eliminate human errors and allow employee focus to shift to higher-value activities and innovation. RPA is a non-invasive solution that can be applied to automate front, mid and back office operations — any processes that  handle standardised, repetitive and high transactional data volumes. This is the ideal first-step automation solution; it is quick and low cost to develop and deploy in production.

Cognitive Capture is a highly scalable document workflow platform that intelligently captures, classifies, and transmits critical data from electronic or hardcopy documents and faxes to the right process workflows. Intelligent automation can drive a customer service chatbot that understands the intent of text or voice questions and offers options. Another example might be a shipping or manufacturing process that uses computer vision to accurately identify objects and help workers make quick decisions on the fly.

cognitive process automation

Deploying IPA to your business, enhances efficiency, increases worker performance, reduces operational risks, and improves response times and customer journey experiences. Combining advanced intelligent technologies including artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning, Cognitive Analytics can detect cognitive process automation critical patterns, make predictions and support business decisions. A Cognivtive automation is not a machine learnign.Cognitive automation is a leverages of differnet algorithms and technology approaches such as natural language processing, text analytics and data mining, sematic technology and machine learning.

Our approach places business outcomes and successful workforce integration of these RCA technologies at the heart of what we do, driven heavily by our deep industry and functional knowledge. Our thought leadership and strong relationships with both established and emerging tool vendors enables us and our clients to stay at the leading edge of this new frontier. Cognitive RPA integrates automation and AI-powered bots to understand the deep complexities of a task, sift through structured and unstructured data sets, and drive analytics-based process automation. With its ability to leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and Machine Learning to make sense of volumes of data, cognitive RPA is being used to yield better productivity, scalability, and enhanced efficiency. Traditional RPA uses computer-coded, rules-based software robots to automate specific human tasks, save time and costs, and reduce the potential of errors. With increasing digitization, the complexity of organizational processes is growing manifold.

How cognitive technology is used in product development?

From robotic toys to appliances you can talk to, cognitive technologies are helping product makers foster emotional bonds between customers and their products. To guide your thinking about embedding cognitive technologies in your organization's products or services, consider these questions.

IBS Insight is a useful cognitive RPA software that can help firms in the banking industry prevent fraud. Watch the video “ACH Stop Payments in Mid-Sized Banks – FIS Insight, ACH Tracker,” showing how it automatically stops payments when fraud is detected. Typically, teams will identify multiple RPA opportunities that will require prioritisation. An example framework is described to align opportunities with organisational priorities. If the underlying system needs change, then it defeats the purpose of automation. RPA Solutions are available on Cloud and on-Prem – with significantly differing costs and capability.

What are the 4 cognitive processes?

Different cognitive functions play a role in these cognitive processes: perception, attention, memory, reasoning… Each of these cognitive functions work together to integrate the new knowledge and create an interpretation of the world around us.